Request Aid

Medical Aid Request

Commonly this includes mentorship, but may include partnership programs, advocacy, and financial assistance. Once you have submitted your aid form RESCU Staff will call you.

We can only help you if we can reach you, so be sure you keep regular contact by updating RESCU Staff about any progress or issues that arise related to your case.

Click on the link below to complete and submit your Aid Form–all online!

We know that filling out forms isn’t fun. If you have any questions or concerns while filling out your Medical Aid Request Form, please reach out to us. Call us at 800.374.9215 and leave a message. If someone has not returned your call within two weeks, please call us again!

The faster we get all the paperwork done, the faster we can help you!

Who is eligible to receive RESCU Aid?

Any verified participant who has worked or volunteered at a Renaissance/Medieval faire or festival around the country.

The RESCU Foundation Medical Aid Panel is able to consider the following*:

  • Any bill or estimate from a licensed medical care provider
  • Any receipt or estimate for prescriptions
  • Any receipt or estimate for medical equipment
  • Excessive travel expenses for medical treatments, excluding meals
  • Festival or Show income loss due to a medical issue
  • Limited situations of Hardship while in recovery

Please include any of the above as needed, with your Medical Aid Request Form

*The Medical Aid Request Form & past or current participant verification are the only documents required to open a Case.

You can fill it out and submit by fax or mail, along with copies of all pertinent medical bills.

Mail To:

RESCU Foundation, Inc.

797 Sam Bass Rd

Ste 171

Round Rock, TX 78680

Or fax to: 888-299-9513

We know it seems like it would be easier to email paperwork to us, but, please do not. We take our HIPAA compliance responsibilities very seriously, and your personal information is not secure through email channels.

RESCU can help with medical bills before you pay them.


Let us help from the very beginning, so we can make the most difference!

By Mail

RESCU Foundation, Inc.

797 Sam Bass Rd.

STE 171

Round Rock, TX 78681

By Phone


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RESCU is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit

Tax ID 31-1606346

Copyright 2024