About Us
Est. 2003
The acronym RESCU stands for Renaissance Entertainers Services Crafters United. It was founded in 2003 by a group of dedicated individuals united in their commitment to provide resources for dealing with the medical needs of their community.

Who Are We?
RESCU is made up of:
-an INCREDIBLY dedicated staff
-a Diligent 100% Volunteer Board of Directors
-and a truly AWESOME number of generous volunteers all across the country!
What Do We Do?
We keep our community healthy!
We advocate for, serve, and have financial aid available to anyone who has ever held a participant pass at a Renaissance festival anywhere throughout the United States.
The RESCU Foundation, Inc. (RESCU) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the health and medical well-being of participants of historically themed events, including renaissance festivals and other interactive theatrical venues. RESCU provides preventative illness education, medical advocacy, and bill-abatement to a characteristically underinsured constituency.
Participants of these events keep skills and art forms alive that would otherwise disappear from our modern society. By doing so, they educate our youth about important periods of history, inspiring the next generation to broaden their knowledge about the world at large.
Providing this unique and important form of interactive theatre nationwide, these entertainers, artisans and festival staff positively impact the economy in cities across the country dependent upon the annual influx of income. As these events generally take place over the course of multiple weekends, revenue is also generated by thousands of guests who travel from other areas and invest widely in the host city.
The acronym RESCU stands for Renaissance Entertainers Services Crafters United. It was founded in 2003 by a group of dedicated individuals united in their commitment to provide resources for dealing with the medical needs of their community.
A single medical emergency can cause catastrophic outcomes to those whose primary income is dependent upon the ability to travel from one venue to another. Before RESCU, an isolated incident had the potential to cause a family to require public assistance, affecting the community at large.
To date, the dozens of dedicated volunteers and small staff of RESCU have served thousands of individuals. RESCU has disbursed over $1.4 million in direct medical aid. Its advocacy and mentoring programs have enabled well over $3.5 million in medical bill abatement, thereby empowering and ensuring that a multitude of talented people remain productive members of society.

To Anyone and Everyone
who has ever been a part
of the heart of this organization—

The RESCU Foundation Code of Ethics outlines expected behaviors for all RESCU personnel, including Board members, employees, and volunteers. RESCU will conduct its business fairly, impartially, using best practices in full compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, and in alignment with RESCU values.
Integrity must underlie all RESCU relationships and activities with the general public, including but not limited to: clients, communities, event management, and other RESCU personnel. While conducting RESCU business, personnel will not engage in any activity that may raise questions as to RESCU’s honesty, impartiality, reputation, or otherwise cause embarrassment to the Foundation.
All RESCU personnel have the responsibility to ask questions, seek guidance, and report suspected violations of this Code of Ethics. Any violations should be addressed to governance@RESCUfoundation.org.
By Mail
RESCU Foundation, Inc.
797 Sam Bass Rd.
STE 171
Round Rock, TX 78681
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RESCU is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit
Tax ID 31-1606346
Copyright 2024