One of the biggest challenges RESCU faces is just getting the word out about what we do!

Testimonials mean the World to us!
Send your notes and photos to us at:
Please Share Your Story!
Guidestar Reviews
What’s a Guidestar Review, you ask?
Guidestar Reviews are the way non profit organizations are measured and weighed.
Guidestar gathers and disseminates information about every single IRS-registered non profit organization. Donors, grantmakers, researchers and the media use Guidestar data to make decisions about the social sector. So, RESCU’s ability to seek large corporate donors and grants is largely dependent upon our Guidestar Rating. is the interface through which Guidestar and its parent company Candid collect their information. By leaving a review for RESCU at, you add to the collection of inspiring stories from our clients, volunteers and supporters, showing confidence and lending credibility to RESCU Foundation and its mission, and thus enabling RESCU to grow.
Please head on over to to leave your review. Share Your Story and help us continue to help our community.

RESCU Foundation on Social Media
In the modern world of computers and cell phones, RESCU has come to rely very heavily on social media to inform our community of not only renaissance industry workers, but all our supporters, about our mission, our programs and our events. If you aren't already connected with us on your preferred social media, here's the information you need!
LIKE and FOLLOW us on Facebook!
What a huge help it is in building our reach on social media, if everyone who appreciates RESCU clicks on that little LIKE button! It helps ensure you will see our posts, and it really helps us become more visible to others, as well. And, if you’ve already liked us, and you’re seeing our posts, PLEASE interact with us! Like it, Love it, or better yet, comment on it. Comments help tremendously to build a stronger presence and help future posts be seen by more people.
JOIN our Fundraising 4 RESCU group on Facebook
Fundraising 4 RESCU is the place to get all the up-to-the-minute information about special events like RESCU Rallies and Friday Five Auctions. You’ll get sneak previews of new merchandise in our online store, and when you invite your friends to join with you, you get a chances to win prizes — one additional chance for every friend that accepts your invitation!
FOLLOW us on Instagram.
If photos are more your style, or Facebook makes you crazy, follow us on Instagram! We’ll keep you in the loop!
NETWORK with us on Linked In.
Linked In is a business environment, meant to help people network and make new connections. It might sound a little serious for us, but, we take our Mission pretty seriously! This platform is newer for us, so if you’re there, help us grow it!
Every little bit helps!