To the Health of the company


President’s Compass of Care:

January 2025

This month we have just completed our massive multi day RESCU Annual Board Meeting and I’m feeling incredibly energized by everything we were able to accomplish at the meeting (workshopping and voting on a brand new Values Statement, a redone Ethics Statement, as well as some much needed Policies and Procedures) as well as some incredibly inspiring presentations of our various committees’ 1, 3, and 5 year Strategic Plans! 

This particular Board meeting is incredibly important not only because it is the longest (4 full days often accompanied by working long nights and early mornings to prep for what is to come the next day), but because it is the one time every year when we all get to be together in person, to hug each other in the flesh, to “share the same air,” as one of my dear mentors has said. Especially for those of us whose love language is “quality time” it is this week of in person togetherness that sets the tone of the coming year. 

Speaking of tone, I think that was my biggest take away from this year. Even with all that we prepared and accomplished, what struck me most was our tone with each other. Even when we found ourselves with not exactly the same opinions, the overall tone of our conversations was supportive, collaborative, loving, and generous. When conversations got heated, I could see people practicing what Cassie Townsend and I call “softening.” When we came up against problems that needed creative solutions, I could see people working together to “solve for yes,” as Myra Slaybaugh constantly reminds us to do. I’d like to share with you some of the closing remarks from our meeting that I delivered to the Board:

“It’s the mortar, not just the bricks, that makes a building robust.” If the building is RESCU Foundation and we are the bricks, then the mortar is our connections and relationships with each other. It’s our tone, kindnesses, patience, understanding, forgiveness, compassion, respect, and generosity. These are the qualities that hold us to one another. Without these, we are just a pile of rubble. Over 20 years ago, our Founders (and all those who have come before us), put in a LOT of labor to build the structure that we have today. Now we are part of that legacy of builders, and we get to construct our own additions as we see fit. The foundation is stable, and the bones of the structure are good. Let’s make sure that all of us here, the current stewards of this building, are doing our part constantly to maintain the integrity of this house. 

We accomplished some great things… And as we come back to the table to work with one another, it is my hope that in this house, before we speak, we let our words pass through three gates: At the first gate, ask yourself “Is it true?” At the second gate ask, “Is it necessary?” And at the third gate ask, “Is it kind?”

The truth is that all those in the Renaissance festival community nationwide are part of this house that our Founders have gifted to us. Thank you for your continued support of this amazing community resource. I am certain that if we continue to work together for the Health of the Company, then we will continue to expand our ability to Connect our Community with the Power of Health! 


Magnolia Strange, President of the Board

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